Stone products on the market at present the quality good and bad are intermingled, the processed products facing stone material, its quality can be identified from four aspects: a view, namely the macroscopic observation of stone material surface structure. In general, the stone material of uniform fine structure has exquisite texture, is the best of stone; Coarse grain and differ the stone material of a structure its exterior effect is poorer. In addition, the stone material due to the influence of geological processes in which often produce some small crack, stone material the most easily along these place fracture, screening should be paid attention to. For lack of edges and corners are affec山东五莲石材高等菲t beautiful, especially when the choice should be paid attention to. Two quantity, namely the stone size specifications, lest affect splicing. After mosaics pattern, decorative pattern, line or cause deformation, affect adornment effect. Sounds of stone material knock three, namely. In general, good quality stone the knocking sound is ringing pleasing to the ear; On the contrary, if the stone within slight fracture or become loose contact between particles, as a result of weathering, tapping rough. Four test, which is a simple test method to check the quality of stone. Usually at the back of the stone drops on a small grain of ink, such as ink one soon, namely that exist within the stone loose particles or aperture, stone material quality is bad. Conversely, if ink drip五莲红花岗岩价格s to be not moved in place, explain stone material quality of a material is good.
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